In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis Chapter 1
3975 B.C.
Day 1 God called the light day and the darkness night.
Day 2 God created the heavens making the sky.
Day 3 God called the dry land earth with plants of every kind
and the waters became the sea.
Day 4 God made the sun to rule the day
and the moon with stars rule the night.
Day 5 God created an abundance of living sea creatures
and birds to soar the skies.
Day 6 God made animals to roam the land.
God spoke, “Let US make man in OUR image and OUR likeness.”
Genesis 1:26 Out of the ground God created every living beast
and then he molded Adam breathing life into his nostrils.
Day 7 God saw all that he made was good. So God rested.
God planted a garden eastward in Eden and in the midst of the garden was the tree of life. Adam took care of the garden and all the animals. Adam named all living animals but “there was not a helper comparable to him” Genesis 2:20 God caused Adam into a deep sleep, took one rib, and formed Women out of ground. Adam named her Eve. God told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply. You can have anything in the garden but do not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Read Chapter 3
The cunning serpent deceived Eve into taking a piece of fruit from the tree of life, ate it, and gave it to her husband to who also ate it. Both of their eyes where opened. They noticed they were naked and hide from God. God sent Adam and Eve out of the Garden. He placed cherubim at the east if the garden and a flaming sword guarded the tree of life. God cursed the ground with thorns and thistles and from this ground you are to grow your own food.
Pondering moment
Cain and Abel
Eve gave birth to two sons. Cain became a farmer and Abel was a shepherd. Cain brought fruit as his offering to the Lord and Abel brought the firstborn of his flock of sheep. The Lord was pleased with Abel but not Cain. Cain became angry and killed his brother Abel. Cain fled east of Eden in the land of Nod with his wife and they built a city and named it after their first son Enoch (3353 B.C) (Genesis 4).
Adam was 130 years old when Eve gave birth to another son named Seth. Adam lived to be 930 years old and Seth lived to be 912 years old. Born from the family of Seth son of Adam was a man named Enoch. Enoch walked with God and because he was so faithful God took him at the age of 365. Also from this family line was bore Noah who had three sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth (Genesis 5).
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